Additional Information:
The County of Two Hills is located 150 km or 90 miles Northeast of Edmonton. There are 29.06 townships and The County of Two Hills covers 2,709 square kilometers, 1,046 square miles, 270,954 hectares and 669,542 acres. The population is 2,753 according to the 1996 census. Local roads cover 2,351 kilometers or 1.461 miles. There are several highways within The County of Two Hills, the primary paved ones are numbers 45 and 36. The secondary paved highways are numbers 640, 881, 870, 637, 857, 645 (portion). Secondary gravel roads are numbers 631, 860 and 645.
The chart below indicates The County of Two Hills Climate:
Precipitation 30 yr Average 1994
Precipitation May 1-Sept 30 295.1mm 297.4mm
Average Summer Temperature 15.3'C 15.4'C
Above 0'C 92 days 101 days
Above-2'C 118 days 148 days
Prevailing Winds- West and Northwest
Services Provided:
Municipal Government- ambulance protection, fire protection, assessment services, development control, parks, garbage collection, landfill, sewer water, recreation, road construction and maintenance, road gravel and oiling, and natural gas utility.
Agricultural Services- weed control, enforcement, soil conservation, surface reclamation, beaver control, extension programs, equipment rental, demo plots, on-field inspection, agricultural economic development.
Municipalities located within the County:
Town of Two Hills - Population 1040
Village of Derwent- Population 110
Village of Myrnam- Population 294
Village of Willingdon- Population 309
Major economic activities:
Agriculture- Areas of highly productive agricultural land. Products include wheat, barley, canola, rye, flax, alfalfa, timothy, fescue, clover, oats, peas, peat moss, red meat, poultry, horses, swine, eggs, dairy, table produce honey, exotic livestock and other value added agriculture products.
Cultivated Acres- 458,914 acres(185,716 hectares)
Unimproved Acres-210,628 acres(85,238 hectares)
Number of Producers:
451 cattle (19,081 cattle)
73 dairy (829 cows)
138 swine (18,294 swine)
33 sheep (4,567 sheep)
141 poultry/turkey (80,748 chickens, 3,855 turkeys)
2 greenhouses
129 horses (544 horses)
Oil and gas- major employer(s) include Norcen
Industrial parks-Duvernay Industrial Park located alongside Highway No. 36- 2 miles east and 5 miles north of Two Hills.
Hospitals- Town of Two Hills and the Village of Myrnam and Willingdon have medical clinics.
Additional Facilities- Golf courses, arenas, ball diamonds, farmers markets, churches, parks and campgrounds, rodeo grounds, curling rinks, historical sites, hotels and motels, lakes, rivers, and community halls.
Organizations- Service organizations, community associations, agriculture societies, 4-H clubs, and hospital auxiliaries.
Churches-The County of Two Hills offers a great selection of Churches for your religious needs